Quickly now - because we are leaving any minute to catch the plane to Honduras. (I'll post from there if I have access to the internet. If not, we'll fill you in after the 22nd.
This morning we went to New Song church (www.newsong.net) The photos above are from my cell phone camera, so not as good as usual. Fascinating church. 15 different races represented in this church. Worship today was very nice, it had a gentle feel to it. They worship in the round, with the stage/altar in the center. All acoustic set of music. This was the first church that really made a conscious effort to include both men and women in the worship leadership roles. Sermon was three different brief talks by members of New Song testifying as to how God through New Song had changed their lives. It was well done, not too preachy... and quite genuine. One of the talks was from a woman in Bangkok, Thailand, which was connected via Skype and projected onto the center screen. Communion was included as well. The practice of communion is clearly spreading in the church as a whole. Artwork on the walls, plus a monthly gathering of artists.
New Song has three sites in Southern California, plus churches around the world. This is a global church largely because of its international business connections through its members, as well as its truly multi-cultural membership.
They have quite an elaborate website, which is worship looking at www.newsong.net
Be well.
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